How Salesforce ISO 27001 Certification Helps Enterprises
With falling storage and computing cost, corporations now have the infrastructure in place to acquire and analyze the massive amount of data. Corporations that can leverage this data are entities of the future, as analysts often say “Data is the new currency”. However, we also know that information and data, professional or personal is sensitive. Events like Yahoo hack or regulations like GDPR ensure that users, as well as government agencies, look at data security and privacy as an important factor.
Businesses store data on-premise and in the cloud but the threat of information theft and breach is constant. For corporations that offer cloud infrastructure services or have solutions deployed on the Salesforce cloud, it becomes essential to give security prime importance.
One of the most critical issues for cloud adoption has been security. Organizations cannot hand over their most crucial data, to a solution that is not secure — for example, employee payroll information, intellectual property, and budgetary data. Compliance with ISO norms and certification like ISO 27001 help corporations address these concerns.
To elaborate ISO 27001 is a governance model that incorporates legal, physical and technical controls that helps organizations manage information risk. Salesforce is one of the major SaaS vendors which was one of the initial set of solution provider to get ISO 27001 certification.
Organizations of various sizes and security protocols are leveraging Salesforce, small organizations which do not have the funds or capability to become ISMS complaint can rest assured that if their data is residing within Salesforce it is secure.
To develop the trust of corporations, a cloud provider must deploy various levels of security and protection that meet or exceed what is achievable with on-premises solutions. is ISO 27001 certified, okay — But, what does it imply?
Being ISO 27001 Certified implies that Salesforce has undertaken various reviews, which guarantees that the Salesforce does not initially simply push the security level and get the certification and then over a period the level of security falls below the expectations of the clients.
The certification demonstrates that Salesforce has a standard security protocol from its practices, methodology, tools, faculty, and employees. To become ISO 27001 certified, Salesforce must demonstrate how it handles client information, what security arrangements and practices are followed within it and how it handles issues like, application security, adherence to norms and protocols outlined by authorizing bodies, and specialized controls.
Certification also implies demonstrating how they conform to legitimate norms, for example, what information is discharged in case of a subpoena and how that procedure is dealt with.
To Wrap Up
Some corporations while deploying Salesforce are concerned about the process that it follows when it comes to security. Clients need to know where their information will be kept, how it is put away, oversaw, and secured, and who is in charge of overseeing and securing their information. With ISO 27001 in place, they have the confirmation they require.